I know, it's been awfully quiet in the CupKozy blog but I have a few excellent reasons:
1. A new series of color combos are a-brewin' over at the cupkozy factory (if you wanna call my little sewing room a "factory").
2. We've been working hard to refine the production process while maintaining the handmade nature of the CupKozy. Not an easy task I tell you! The good thing is that we've been making great progress on that front.
3. The next seasonal CupKozy will be a Halloween themed version with an awesome print (screen-printed by hand, of course). Can't wait!
4. We just got a new batch of T-shirts in new colors that we'll be offering in conjunction with the launch of the CupKozy website. That's right, we're launching our very own website, not affiliated with Etsy! Aww, CupKozy is growing up.
The bottom line: Lots going on behind the scenes and LOTS OF NEW COLORS coming late Summer/ early Fall. Always a
very exciting thing around these parts.
Hey, we excite easily!
Stay Kozy, my friends ;)