...AND it's made from 100% recycled materials. We love it. Now all we need is for pizza chains to actually start using it!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
...AND it's made from 100% recycled materials. We love it. Now all we need is for pizza chains to actually start using it!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Let's take a moment...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Urban Garden

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Think Tink!

Monday, June 8, 2009
Iced coffee weather

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Blog mentions!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
We love this!

-An eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic dry cleaning bags
-A recyclable 3-in-1 laundry bag
-A reusable hanging garment bag
-A carrying bag and duffel bag
-A reusable dry cleaning bag
-A green dry cleaning bag
-A hanging hamper.
WOW! perfect for long dresses and most coats. Also works with most suits, sweaters and tops. Includes outside plastic ticket pocket to help you and your dry cleaner easily identify your order."
SOURCE: www.delight.com
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Free Shipping!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Beauty Revolution Mag

E-flip magazines are the latest way to view your favorite magazines without wasting all of that paper! Even big magazines like NYLON are jumping on the E-flip bandwagon.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Friendly Reminder

Today is the LAST DAY to take advantage of our $5.00 price for all CupKozys! Mother's Day is right around the corner, so you might want to grab a kozy (or two) for the coffee-drinking mamas in your life!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Come see us, why don't cha.
When and where: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Woodbury Town Center, 6200 - 6460 Irvine Blvd., Irvine CA
If you're in the neighborhood, come over and say hi!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day!

- Check out Ecosalon's list of Earth Day events happening all over the U.S.
- Disneynature's first film, titled 'Earth', hits theaters today and a tree will be planted for each ticket that is purchased during its opening week. Due to advance tickets sales, the company has already committed to planting 500,000 trees! It's also narrated by Darth Vader (James Earl Jones). Who doesn't love that?
- If you compost or just enjoy gardening, go to your local Starbucks and request a bag of their used coffee grounds for adding to your compost bin - it's FREE. You can also sprinkle them directly onto the soil around roses or any acid-loving plants you might have. Click here for more info.
- Last, but certainly not least, you can celebrate Earth Day by snagging one of our Limited Edition CupKozys featuring our exclusive Earth Day print! Making their debut today, they're on SALE for just $5 bucks until the end of the month...if they last that long. We have a very limited supply!
Saturday, April 18, 2009

We're also celebrating by having a SALE at both our official website and Etsy - All CupKozys are only $5 bucks until 4/30/2009 (ends at 12:00 AM PST.)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Coffee = Speakers?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
CupKozy on EcoFabulous

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Happy Birthday Al!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Dunkin' Donuts

We don't have any Dunkin' Donuts locations in L.A., but they do sell their ground coffee at the market. Haven't had a chance to try it but I keep hearing about how great it is. I really do wish they'd stop using styrofoam cups or at least switch to biodegradable styro. One day...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Yes, another Earth Hour post!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Alanis promotes Earth Hour
I must say, this video made us laugh and shudder simultaneously. I think we've got the message, Alanis - Thanks.
11 days left until it's time to turn-OFF. Expect more reminders from the CupKozy blog ;)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A couple of newbies...

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
CupKozy on TV!
CupKozy on VJIAM.TV from Cup Kozy on Vimeo.
Monday, March 2, 2009
CupKozys for Eco-Celebs

Here at the kozy headquarters, we work around the clock to try and generate some buzz about our product, so next week a celebrity swag (see: freebie) coordinator is getting some CupKozys into the hands of a few eco-minded celebrities!
We will be included in several gift baskets along with a few other neat, green products by other companies. The following fabulous women will be receiving their very own kozys:
- Julia Roberts
- Jennie Garth
- Jessica Alba
- Kate Hudson
- Sheryl Crow
- Halle Berry
- Amanda Peet
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Can coffee help prevent skin cancer?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Follow us!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
12 Seconds
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Earth Hour

Now, get ready for Earth Hour 2009 — with already 377 cities and double the countries committed. On March 28, at 8:30pm — join the movement in YOUR city by turning off your lights and thinking about energy. 60 minutes is all it takes.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mud slingers

McDonalds takes a shot at Starbucks with this billboard in Seattle. I'm usually a neutral party when it comes to the big chain coffee offerings but I recently tried a couple of the new McDonalds coffee drinks and they were AWFUL. The iced mocha got thrown directly into the trash after 2 sips. The first sip tasted like soapy, sour milk with a hint of artificial coffee flavoring. The second sip was taken as a confirmation to my mental dialogue, "Wow, does this really taste that awful? *sip* Yes. Yes it does." *toss*.
The hot vanilla cappuccino (sugar free) was barely tolerable. The taste of artificial sweeteners just overwhelms your taste buds with this one. It's not like the sugar free cinnamon dolce latte at Starbucks, which tastes almost identical to the regular version. I would gladly trade both of those McDonalds drinks for one good $4 drink at Starbucks.
Sorry Mc.Donalds. You've got some refining to do before you can compete with the big guys. The price difference isn't worth the torture of consuming your coffee drinks. Stick to serving your classic coffee, which is actually not half bad.
Photo source: www.social-cache.com
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Valentine's SALE

Love her and she'll love you back - Mother Earth, that is!
Now is the perfect time to show her you care. Enjoy $2.00 OFF any solid* CupKozy until Feb. 15th.
Get one for yourself, your loved ones or that special someone in your life. Available at www.CupKozy.com
Wishing you a caffeinated love buzz this Valentine's day!
*Sale excludes printed CupKozys
Friday, January 30, 2009
Contest Announcement!!!
CupKozy Twitter Contest Winners - 1/30/09 from Cup Kozy on Vimeo
OK everybody, the time has come! We did this the old fashioned way and literally pulled some names out of a hat. Our official contest winner is...*drum roll please*...
(this is where you hit the "play" button)
Winners will be contacted directly. Thanks again to everybody who entered!
-Team Kozy
P.S. We had some extra love to give so we pulled 2 more names who will receive a FREE CupKozy!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Photo shoot in progress...

Monday, January 26, 2009
CupKozy out and about (part II)

Aside from their delicious fare, they have seating indoors and outdoors in case you're not in too much of a hurry and they serve everything in biodegratable containers. They even provide a separate trash receptacle just for compostable items. Most of their stuff is locally sourced and genuinely good for you! Certainly can't say the same about places like 7-11. I challenge you to show me another convenience store that carries a variety of meltable vegan cheeses and soyrizo. They've thought of everything at Locali and that's why we love them. It doesn't hurt that the owners, Greg & Melissa, are pretty awesome too :)
Go! Now! 5825 Franklin Ave. Los Angeles, CA
P.S. Did I mention they carry CupKozys there? ;)
CupKozy out and about (part I)

After we had exhausted all of our walking & talking energy,

Thursday, January 22, 2009
New retailer

If you're in the Hollywood/L.A. area, you can now purchase the CupKozy at Locali - an eco convenience store located in the trendy "Franklin Village" area, nestled between Hollywood Blvd. and the Hollywood hills. We're very excited to be among the carefully curated, green goodies being offered at this fine little establishment.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
CupKozy.com updates
1/20/09 - Change has come.

Friday, January 16, 2009
Latte Art

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Color!
Friday, January 2, 2009
New tea offerings at Starbucks
- Vanilla Rooibos Latte - "a naturally caffeine-free infusion of botanicals that unites South African rooibos (ROY’-bus), Tahitian vanilla, sweet spices and freshly steamed milk"
- London Fog Latte - an intriguing blend of black tea, citrusy bergamot, French lavender, vanilla and freshly steamed milk.
- Berry Chai Infusion - (Hot or Iced)
- New Green Tea Latte Recipe - (The drink will now be made with Classic Syrup. Water is also being eliminated from the recipe, as we will now be steaming the matcha directly into the milk).