Monday, January 14, 2008

CupKozy II is here!

One of the biggest challenges I face as the creator of the CupKozy, is helping people remember to actually use them. The cardboard sleeve around a coffee cup is so easily taken for granted and I will admit, there have even been times when I've almost forgotten to use my own Kozy. It definitely takes a little bit of "training", so to speak. As big as this challenge may be, I was determined to find a solution, so I put on my thinking cap and went to work.

I tested out several different prototypes, adding buttons & snaps to try and make the CupKozy more of an accessory. After adding all sorts of hardware, it just didn't have that clean simplicity anymore, so I went back to the drawing board and stripped down my design to keep it compact, lightweight.

Nicknamed the "PortaKozy", the newest member of our collection is a travel version which allows you to roll it up and attach it to your key ring. This makes it even more compact and ready to use whenever that caffeine craving strikes! Once it's rolled up it's about the size of lip balm tube! The metal hook allows you to clip it on and off of your key ring with ease.

Now available on my Etsy shop. Go get yours!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


The CupKozy (TM Pending)
A handmade, reusable alternative to the cardboard sleeves typically used at your favorite coffee shop. All are made with felt, chosen for its superior insulating properties and will fit most 12, 16 and 20 oz. disposable coffee cups.

Did you know, If 50 people use a cardboard sleeve twice a week, it adds up to 1000 lbs. of waste per year? Can you imagine the damage being done by the notorious "double-cuppers"? We're here to put a stop to this!

I know that the most effective solution would be for people to carry their own mugs, eliminating the waste completely. The sad truth is, even with the public's renewed interest in the environment, reusable mugs are rarely used at coffee shops. CupKozy offers a realistic and convenient way for people to make a difference.

What better way to protect your hands and your land?